Kanak-kanak pada usia ini sering mengalami kehilangan gigi susu di bahagian hadapan atau tumbuhnya gigi geraham yang pertama. Jika kanak-kanak ini telah biasa dengan makanan manis dan mengambilnya dengan kerap, ini akan meningkatkan risiko karies kepada gigi kekal. Justeru, ibu perlu mengurangkan pembelian makanan ringan bergula dan menggantikannya dengan makanan lain yang memberi kurang risiko karies seperti kekacang, keropok beras dan buah-buahan.
Pada peringkat ini, ramai ibu menganggap anak-anak mereka boleh memberus gigi sendiri. Namun, ibu harus sentiasa membantu kerana kemungkinan plak tidak disingkirkan dengan berkesan. Oleh kerana gigi diberus dua kali sehari pada waktu pagi dan malam, penjaga boleh membantu di waktu malam dan benarkan anak untuk memberus sendiri di waktu pagi. Ini membolehkan ibu memantau keberkesanan anak-anak mereka memberus gigi dan melatih mereka untuk melakukannya sendiri apabila mereka semakin membesar.
Initially, a dog who’s become infected may show extreme behavioral changes such as restlessness or apprehension, both of which may be compounded by aggression. Friendly dogs may become irritable, while normally excitable animals may become more docile. A dog may bite or snap at any form of stimulus, attacking other animals, humans and even inanimate objects. They may constantly lick, bite and chew at the site where they were bitten. A fevermay also be present at this stage.
As the virus progresses, an infected dog may become hypersensitive to touch, light and sound. They may eat unusual things and hide in dark places. Paralysis of the throat and jaw muscles may follow, resulting in the well-known symptom of foaming at the mouth. Disorientation, incoordination and staggering may occur, caused by paralysis of the hind legs. Other classic signs of rabies include loss of appetite, weakness, seizures and sudden death.
Keeping your dog up to date with vaccinations is not only essential to prevention, it’s the law. Check with your veterinarian about the right vaccine and vaccination schedule for your dog. In many areas of the country, it’s mandatory that all domestic dogs and cats are vaccinated after the age of three months.
Vaccinating your pet not only protects him from getting rabies, it protects him if he bites someone. Dogs who have bitten humans are required to be confined for at least 10 days to see if rabies develops, and if the animal’s vaccination records are not current, a lengthy quarantine or even euthanasia may be mandated. If you’re not sure of the laws in your town, consult your local animal affairs agency.
Avoiding contact with wild animals is also necessary to prevention. You may greatly decrease chances of rabies transmission by walking your dog on a leash, and supervising him while he’s outdoors.
Initially, a dog who’s become infected may show extreme behavioral changes such as restlessness or apprehension, both of which may be compounded by aggression. Friendly dogs may become irritable, while normally excitable animals may become more docile. A dog may bite or snap at any form of stimulus, attacking other animals, humans and even inanimate objects. They may constantly lick, bite and chew at the site where they were bitten. A fevermay also be present at this stage.
As the virus progresses, an infected dog may become hypersensitive to touch, light and sound. They may eat unusual things and hide in dark places. Paralysis of the throat and jaw muscles may follow, resulting in the well-known symptom of foaming at the mouth. Disorientation, incoordination and staggering may occur, caused by paralysis of the hind legs. Other classic signs of rabies include loss of appetite, weakness, seizures and sudden death.
Maklumat Komuniti
Maklumat Pusat Sebaran Maklumat Nasional Pekan Marudi
Pusat Sebaran Maklumat Nasional Pekan Marudi mengucapkan Selamat Datang dan terima kasih kepada anda yang sudi melawat laman portal komuniti kami. NADI Pekan Marudi merupakan satu program yang dianjurkan oleh Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia dengan kerjasama TM Bhd dan MSD Digital Intelligence Sdn Bhd. Ia merupakan program yang bertujuan untuk merapatkan jurang digital dan melahirkan generasi masyarakat yang berdaya saing.
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